Tuesday, November 30, 2010



It is not too often that we the world are blessed to privy the mind of such genius talented young artists and influence-rs such as Jean-Michel Basquiat!! Today I dug deep and got into the grit of Mr.Jean-Michel Basquiat... The Lover of knowledge, interpreter, desensitizee and modern day prodigy child, and was enlightened and motivated to LIVE LOVE.

Jean-Michel Basquiat was born in1960 in New York City, NY to a Puerto Rican mother and a Haitian father. He was the eldest of 2  siblings and was a trilingual resident of Brooklyn, NY, who, communicative-ly, was fluent in French, Spanish, and English. He apparently new at an early age that he was interested in art and the expression of thought through painting  and drawing. It has been written that JMB displayed a very intense aptitude for art at a very young age.

Without finishing high school, JM Basquait began pursuing the influence he'd later have on the world, by entrepreneuring and self-promotion of his talent. He began selling self-made postcards of his artwork, which became the official break-away and dissolve of SAMO, a collaborated group of artist (JM Basquiat and Al Diaz) who'd graffiti sayings around New York, that resembled the symbolism-like poetry, Jean-Michel indulged in throughout his earlier years. 

With the success of these post-cards, came notability throughout New York City. So much so, he began to develop relationships with highly influential people who, with fairness (some that is) recognized his intelligence, wit, and talent--and went their necessary mile to further connect him to various resourecs, that would immediately, help Jean-Michel Basquait become very wealthy.

Jean-Michel befriended many influential artists within the world, including Andy Warhol. Mr. Basquiat's relationship with Andy Warhol was one to be admired. He grew fond of Mr. Warhol...as Mr. Warhol mutually adored Jean-Michel Basquiat. They were known to be very close friends and as told by one-other, admired the others work immensely.

Jean-Michel Basquiat accomplished more by the age of 20 than most people do over a 70-80 year life span.

Although passing at a young age Mr. Basquiat became known as one of the most influential artists of our time. He left behind thousands of paintings and drawings. He was also very well-known althroughout Europe, and there has been several exhibitions and retrospectives done on his behalf after his passing.

Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radient Child and Downtown 81 are two pieces of filmwork that allow deeper insight to the artist and person Jean-Michel was.
Apparel Company's such as Reebok have taken on the artists designs for some of their product.
Love these :-)

Some say that Jean-Michel's anatomy inspiration in akind paintings is dereived from the book Gray's Anatomy, by medical professional Henry Gray which was given to Jean-Michel by his mother in his adolescent years while being hospitalized from being hit by a car. Jean-Michel later formed a music band named GRAY (see song clip below).

Part one of Three (Life Synopsis)

Short Interview w/ Jean-Michel

Song by Jean-Michel's Band, GRAY "So Far So Real."

Friday, November 12, 2010


BOYS, lets get straight to it!
Tired of the same ol' lame Fall boots? 

Year after year are you back to the store for the "Not So Fancy," Fall boot to simply get you through the rain, snow, and sleet of the season?

Well, the days of routine and nonsensical style choices are over! TRY SOMETHING NEW!! 


My suggestion to those of you who are not sure what to look for, to try youtubing (www.youtube.com) Menswear AW 2010. Select a designer (random) and dig in!!  For those of you style-conscious enough (and I dare add exciting) to explore trend options... you already know what's in this season... & the boot is it!!

However, because most  have already resorted to a military inspired or weathered brown, worker boot, it wouldn't hurt to look outside the box to find something that closely relates to your personality.
H by Hudson Yorke Leather Strap Suede Boot
Laced Up Buckle Boots
Deepstyle (Designer: Lee Hwa Young)

Trust me, with the internet at your fingertips, you're bound to find a drool-worthy pair that complements your personal sense of style!                  

Again, do not be afraid of resorting to the internet for shopping!! I find that it's currently, the modern way to go when you are at a trend or style-conscious deficit with the material you find in your local town boutiques or malls... (and too, it could open up a whole other can of blessings...like discounts :-)
And when all else fails..... GET CREATIVE ;)

My very own: Gold Studded Military Boot
(Los Angeles based Designer)